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MI, United States
Vintage seller whose specialty lately is vintage baby and kids. Check out my store for my finds: babyshapes.etsy.com

Friday, February 24, 2012

Lil' Vintage Story Book

Hoagy Carmichael's Songs For Children, with illustrations by J.P. Miller. 
Golden Press, 1957.

I was just leaving my favorite thrift store (for books anyway) when I spotted this in the music section. I snatched it up, knowing it was a real gem...and didn't get to take a peek until I got home. Boy, was I happy when I saw the pictures were by J.P. Miller!! I love his work...but have barely anything illustrated by him. I know this isn't technically a story book but I couldn't help it, I had to share!

Now if only I could read music! My husband is presently working on that right now so hopefully he will be able to play us these songs on the guitar someday. :-)

Linking up with Lil' Vintage Story Books

Friday, February 17, 2012

Little Vintage Storybooks

This is the cutest book! The cover is missing and I forgot to take pictures of the title page (which was a total mistake because it has such awesome graphics).
The title for the book is "The Popular Kiddie Picture-Motion Book" by Mary S. Child and with pictures by Violet La Mont. 
A Popular Digest Book from 1944. I think the little girl in fifth and sixth pictures looks just like Avery! What do you think Corey?
Another neat thing about this book is on the copyright page is has a little blurb about how this book was manufactured in strict conformity with Government regulations for saving paper. Do any of you out there have a book that says that? I've never seen that before...but I don't have many from the WWII time period. I wonder if this means the book was printed on recycled paper? It definitely has a stiffer feel and has really held up (despite the missing cover) so well!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Little Vintage Storybooks

Everyone knows this is a great story and I just love the illustration style! One of my favs for sure. Here is the info:

Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter. 
Illustrated by Robert J. Lee. 
A Whitman Big Tell-a-Tale from 1966. 

Linking up with LiL Vintage Story Books.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Little Vintage Story Books

OH blogging...I'm so not good at you! However, I really have wanted to participate in the Little Vintage Storybooks feature that Corey has been doing for awhile now. So without further delay...here is one of my FAVS from our collection:

That's Good, That's Bad by Joan M. Lexau and illustrated Aliki. Copyright 1963. Weekly Reader Children's Book Club Edition.

My son and I LOVE this book...it's a story about how a tiger comes across a boy in the jungle. He asks him to run so that he can chase and eat him and the little boy says no because he has no more run left in him. The tiger is curious as to why so the boy begins to tell him a  long story about his encounter with a rhino. As he tells different details of the story--the tiger says "that's good" at the good parts and "that's bad" at the bad parts and has so many different expressions that are hilarious. I love how the tiger gets so into the story and by the end of it the rhino has reappeared and chases the tiger while the boys escapes. It's  such a fun read and my son just LOVES the whole "that's bad", "that's good" aspect.

I didn't find a ton of these online but here are some links if you want to try and score your own. Some people are trying to get a lot for them!!




I'm linking up with LiL Vintage Story Books!